Monday, April 5, 2010

livin the good life

I would say one of the best things about being a kid still is our breaks from school. Today is my last day of easter break and I don't really want it to end. You're probably thinking what does this have to do with anything well its nice because theoretically I can go on as many rides as I want not having school. This makes me think that I didn't use my break to its full potential. Lokking back at the week I should have ridden outside more. It really was nice all week. In the beginning of the week I was coming off of a semi dissappointing race weekend at jeff cup so I took monday off. I rode the trainer on tuesday because I had intervals to do and right now that is the most practical way for me to do them because I don't have a hrm or power meter. The next exciting thing was thursday which I already wrote about so no surprise there. What I would really like to write about is saturday. During the week I sent out an email to my junior team companions about wanting to do a race simulataion ride or just going out for some miles I hadn't decided yet. I got some pretty disppointing feedback from the jrs team until later in the week. What really annoys me is I carry myself through the whole team process doing the emails and checking to see if I can do stuff. While other jrs parents do it all for them kind of frustrating when I say to jrs hey want to go on a ride and get responses from parents. I don't know why that bothers me but it does. Turns out only 2 other jrs could ride saturday so it was me aidan and andrew. We left at 9 from the park and ride and set out to do about 40 miles and we did just that we did the 27 miles loop but did the actual loop part 2 times. I thought this was a lot of fn and good training for our races. So some ride data: 40.8 miles, 18.3 mph average it took us about 2h10m. Andrew and aidan are both riding pretty strong but I put the hammer down the last few miles after we crossed back over 214. And I split off andrew until the right back onto rossback and aidan stayed with me most of the time. When we all got back together I went hard over the little rise and split us up for good. Anyone have a powertap they want to sell. And if anyone even reads this. Thanks
Nick c


  1. i gotta go thru the parent thing with my teammates as well

  2. My mom would love it if you called her. I'm 38 years old and she goes to bed early :)

    I'm reading your stuff...keep writing!
