Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sorry for the no post recently!

So it has been a while since my last post. For the 2 of you that actually read this, i am sorry. Any way just a quick update: training has been kind of spotty but i'm really motivated as i'm trying to get cat.3 this year. So once i get back from georgia, training will really start. I got a garmin edge 500 for christmas and so far it is an awesome tool. Having so much data literally at my finger tips is amazing. That being said if anyone wants to give me a good deal on a power meter, just email me: . As i said my training was spotty and i'm ultra slow right now because im getting ready to do some long slow distance, which means big T.I.T.S. (time in the saddle). At least for me that is. Anyway i wanted to do more milage this last week before i went on vacation and during my break but, life gets in the way. Another big goal is battenkill which is coming up faster than i realize. I had better get to training. Another post is soon to come about the davidsonville holiday ride on christmas eve but i just don't have the time right now.